Neo Ark Cradle

Full Version: Registration Settings Change
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Hi everyone!

I've previously talked about this before, but since I'm seeing Stop Forum Spam doing a damn fine work, among other things,

users now no longer require admin verification when registering. The only thing new users need to do from now on is verifying their email address.

We required email verification & admin verification for a long time. This has been primarily due to certain troublemakers repeatedly getting past their bans, so we had to slow them down somehow. Thankfully, such times are behind us, but the practice just kind of stayed. However, spambots were now an issue, which were also held back by the system, until I figured out how Stop Forum Spam worked on MyBB.

Unfortunately, it also wasn't a good practice in the long term. We've had several users emailing us or DMing our Twitter account regarding their account registration. I'll also admit that I haven't always gotten back to these inquiries, and that is on me and me alone. I want to apologize for causing inconvenience with my negligence.

Hopefully, with the new settings, the registration process will be less problematic from now on. There have been reports of the forum sending multiple verification emails, I'm not sure what's the cause behind that. If anyone's experiencing such issues, please let us know! I'd want to see how frequently it happens.

Lastly, Happy Easter to everyone! Consider this an Easter gift, perhaps?
